Top 5 Affordable Safari Packages in Tanzania

Explore top affordable Tanzania safari packages for budget travelers. Discover wildlife, budget lodges, and value adventures in Serengeti, Ngorongoro, and more.

Top 5 Affordable Safari Packages in Tanzania

Tanzania, a country renowned for its vast wilderness areas, offers some of the most unforgettable safari experiences in the world. For budget travelers looking to explore the natural beauty of East Africa without breaking the bank, Tanzania presents several affordable safari packages. These adventures promise close encounters with wildlife, comfortable accommodations, and the thrill of the African bush, all while keeping your finances in check. Here are the top 5 affordable safari packages in Tanzania that offer incredible value for money.

bunch of mammoth walking across road

1. Serengeti National Park Explorer

Nearest Airport: Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO)
Accommodation: Basic tented camps
Experience: The Serengeti is synonymous with wildlife and endless plains. This budget-friendly package offers an unparalleled opportunity to witness the Great Migration, where millions of wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle traverse the savannah. Expect to see predators in action, from lions to cheetahs, making for a thrilling safari experience.

2. Ngorongoro Crater Adventure

Nearest Airport: Arusha Airport (ARK)
Accommodation: Eco-friendly lodges
Experience: The Ngorongoro Crater, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a haven for wildlife, including the Big Five. This affordable package allows travelers to explore the crater floor, where they can enjoy close encounters with elephants, lions, and if lucky, the elusive black rhino. The stunning landscapes and rich biodiversity offer more than just wildlife viewing, providing a comprehensive Tanzanian adventure.

3. Tarangire National Park Getaway

Nearest Airport: Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO)
Accommodation: Comfortable tented camps
Experience: Known for its large elephant herds and baobab trees, Tarangire offers a more secluded safari experience. This budget safari package includes guided game drives that explore the park’s diverse habitats, from swamps to savannah. Bird enthusiasts will also find Tarangire a paradise with over 300 species recorded.

Leopard in tree - Serengeti National Park safari - Tanzania, Africa

4. Lake Manyara National Park Discovery

Nearest Airport: Arusha Airport (ARK)
Accommodation: Budget lodges
Experience: Lake Manyara is famed for its tree-climbing lions and vast flocks of flamingos. This affordable package provides a chance to explore the diverse ecosystems of the park, including its forest, grasslands, and hot springs. The compact size of Lake Manyara makes it perfect for a day trip filled with wildlife viewing and stunning scenery.

5. Selous Game Reserve Expedition

Nearest Airport: Julius Nyerere International Airport (DAR)
Accommodation: Rustic bush camps
Experience: Offering a wilder, off-the-beaten-path safari experience, Selous is one of the largest faunal reserves in the world. This budget-friendly package includes boat safaris on the Rufiji River, where you can spot hippos, crocodiles, and a variety of birdlife. Walking safaris and game drives in Selous reveal the reserve’s untouched landscapes and abundant wildlife.


Tanzania’s affordable safari packages prove that you don’t need to spend a fortune to experience the majesty of East Africa’s wilderness. Each of these packages offers a unique perspective on the diverse ecosystems and wildlife of Tanzania, from the famous Serengeti plains to the hidden gems of Selous. For budget travelers, these adventures provide an incredible value proposition, combining wildlife viewing, comfortable accommodations, and the thrill of discovery, all within a budget-friendly framework.

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